Thursday, November 5, 2015

9-19-15  to Deerfield to play in the ocean with Angie, Josh and their friends from Nebraska:
Yep---back to Deerfield.  It happened to be a gorgeous day to be at the beach!  The ocean was so calm and warm.  Ken still didn't get in the water, but he stayed up by the "beach fly" that Angie and JOsh brought and enjoyed the shade and views.
  heading in!
 While standing in about neck deep water, Josh started saying, "everyone slowly back up towards the beach".  When we turned to see what he was looking at, a very large dark shadow went by us.  As we backed out of the water, we watched the shadow head towards a couple paddle boarders.  They saw it too and fell off the board.  But the shadow just kept going.  Most everyone else on the beach and in the water were oblivious to what we had just encountered.  Josh and Sarah had seen it's dorsal fin when it  was coming towards us and Josh said it was a shark.  The lifeguard said it was probably a large tarpin.  Regardless, it was large!  But then, I guess we looked large to it, too.  I imagine that sort of encounter happens more often then we'd care to know about.  When we couldn't see it anymore, the 5 of us went back into the water.  This time I brought my camera out there with me.

 I'm sure there are sharks hanging around the fishing pier down the beach.  We're always amazed at all the surfers we see by the pier.  (Oct. 19, 2015 a spinner shark bit the foot of a surfer by the pier.  Fortunately for the surfer, he only needed 20 stitches and is already planning his next surfing adventure).

 When we were done playing around in the water, we sat under the "beach fly" and gazed out at the sea a bit longer.
 We got back to our neck of the woods before sunset and it looked like it was going to be a nice one so we did what we often do for sunset---head to Loxahatchee near Parkland.

 Raining in the distance
 Pretty spectacular sunset tonight.

 I presume these are vultures.  There are hundreds of them that are always hanging out by this tower.
 We usually see quite a few alligators there, too.

 It's also a popular place for airboats to put in.

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