Friday, November 6, 2015

10-31- Halloween!
I've been trying to get out on my bike more.  Even though it's still getting highs in the upper 80s with heat indexes about 10 degrees more.  But I had been seeing some neat Halloween decorations in various neighborhoods, so today I stopped and took pictures of a few of them.

 Love the eyeballs over the lights on either side of the garage.

 Had to stop along one of the canals, too, while I was at it.
 About 6,  I headed over to Angie and Josh's to wait with them for the trick or treaters.  This is the first time I sat outside and really got into the whole Halloween thing in years.  In St. Louis we quit opening the door years ago because of the car loads of hooligan kids that use to come by---2 and 3 times.
 All the kids, and parents, here were really polite and friendly.  Plus with weather being about 78, it was a really pleasant evening to be sitting outside.  Angie and Josh even had brews for the adults (who really seemed to appreciate it) and dog biscuits for the pups.  All the kids were dressed up really thoughtfully, but a couple caught my attention more then some of the others.  How often do you see Colonel Sanders and a bucket of chicken---walking around your neighborhood?!
 or Elvis?
 They even had trick or treaters until about 9pm.  Seems like when our kids went trick or treating, the lights went off by 8.  When I was a kid, I remember trick or treating until after 11 and the streets being full.  It's a shame you have to worry about sabotaged candy now---or people driving over trick or treaters.  Didn't hear of that happening in Florida, but it did happen else where again this year.

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