Sunday, February 28, 2016

Feb. 19, 2016---Green Cay:

Since Ken is gone for a couple weeks, I figured I'd hit a bunch of birding places.  The few in Broward that I tried didn't turn out so well, so I decided to go back to tried and true Green Cay.  It wasn't quite as great a birding day there as I hoped, but it was a great day to be in the great outdoors.  But compared to Broward, it was great.  I guess even birds prefer the West Palm Beach area!
I think this little guy is a Prairie Warbler.  I assumed it was a yellow rump warbler, but it's a lot more yellow.  If it is a Prairie Warbler, it's probably the first one I got a picture of.
 Green Heron
 Blue Jay
 I believe this is a Grackle.  Love the sound they make.  Reminds me of Hawaii.  I don't recall seeing these guys around St. Louis.
 a Great White Egret souring.
 Great White Egret landing
 a large Swamp Hen
 I believe this is a Bittern.  I've only seen one other one and that was at Loxahatchee.
 an Anhinga.  Gotta love their "hair"!
I keep reading that Wood Storks are "threatened", used to be "endangered", there sure are a lot of them around the West Palm Beach area.  
That was it for today.

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